• Our goal is to build action

    through action-oriented and professional education

  • Technical and vocational education is
    the key to a strong economy.

  • If a civilized nation is proud of its morals and etiquette,
    everyone will try to move the country forward.

Popular Departments

Computer Science


Business Management


Travel & Tourism


Our Activities

Computer Science
Business Management & Business Studies
Travel & Tourism Management
Medial Department
Technical Department

About Us

Under Uttara Thana in Dhaka district is a backward town. What steps has the government taken to bring the small efforts of our organization under all kinds of technical and vocational education to make the society self-reliant through computer technical education? However, there is still a long way to go to ensure quality technical education in this part of the country. Uttara Institute of Science and Technology was established in 2013 in Uttara Police Station to make it competent.